Brenda Rizos

Brenda Rizos Archived Campaign Web Site

Lovejoy ISD Superintendent, Ted Moore has told Lovejoy residents that Brenda Rizos is trying to destroy Lovejoy ISD.

Current and past school board members have tried hard to convince the voting public that Brenda is determined to destroy the district in which she has significant property investments because of a lost election in 2003.

The reality is that Brenda has been getting in the way of monkey business for ten years and exposing a lot of district leadership wrong-doing.

Ted Moore and the school board have reveled in the politics of personal destruction. For example:

Brenda Rizos was requested by Gov. Perry to serve on the 65% Citizen Task Force. For fulfilling her civic duy, Ted Moore and the school board branded her as a Cyber Terrorist. The LISD administration used taxpayer dollars to put on a presentation to Texas state leaders at a state-wide TASB Convention castigating Brenda for her political involvement.

He has called seventy community leaders to secret, invitation only meetings and claimed she wants to destroy Lovejoy ISD, but will not face her in any public forum for rebuttal.

Ted Moore, LISD superintendent, has ZERO property investment in Lovejoy ISD. He does not live here. Many of those profiting from taxpayer funded real estate deals and jobs have ZERO property investment in Lovejoy ISD. Many do not live here.

Would those who have been exposed by Brenda for profiting off of school tax dollars have a motivation to destroy her reputation? Absolutely.

Brenda fought against and exposed:

  • the misuse of tax dollars that take programs about from children;
  • real estate deals and office supply deals that benefit a few connected but take resources AWAY from children;
  • gift grading policies that hide problems from parents and leave kids unprepared for college;
  • a failed PRE-AP for ALL curriculum that leaves some children behind, while holding others back;
  • a district which misleads the public about Lovejoy's academic performance;
  • abuse of power - especially the school board's abuse of eminent domain powers.

Read more from past campaign web pages below..

About Me

Brenda's Goals

Candidate Comparison (LISD School Board President Ann Casey's Record)

Come Meet Me


Dan Cofall Show

Brenda Rizos interviewed about Lovejoy Bond

Brenda Rizos interviewed about Lovejoy "Winter Social"

12/23/13 Dan Cofall Show Hour 1

Dan opens the show with Brenda Rizos, Creator of one of Collin County’s oldest community bulletin boards – about bringing back Christmas in school vernacular.