We Believe
"The advancement and diffusion of knowledge is the only guardian of true liberty."
- James Madison
We believe that:
- First Amendment Rights should be upheld in public schools
- It is morally wrong for Lovejoy ISD to use taxpayer dollars to hire attorneys to intimidate taxpayers asking for accountability.
- ALL children have the right to a good education, not just advanced students
- Children with learning differences are not dumb, some are gifted, they just see and hear the world through different lenses and with proper identification and learning aids can be as or more successful than many learners who "fit the mold".
- All parents and students should play by the SAME rules - connections shouldn't create exceptions.
- All
students & employees should compete on their own merit - rather than relations and connections
- Lovejoy ISD should honor their word
- Lovejoy ISD should follow the law
- Lovejoy ISD taxpayers should be fully informed
- Lovejoy ISD should be accountable to parents and taxpayers
- We are the taxpayers and have a right to have our tax dollars spent on our kids, not administrative frivolity
- We believe that the school board members should not profit from their position or have conflicts of interest.
- The focus of the school administration should be ALL kids rather than sewer, real estate and personal profit.