Allen ISD / Lovejoy ISD Transition Agreement


Transition Agreement By and Between

The Board of Trustees of the Allen Independent School District


The Board of Trustees of the Lovejoy Independent School District

This agreement is effective and binding on the Allen Independent School District and the Lovejoy Independent School District upon ratification of same by the Boards of Trustees of each district for the transition period beginning in 2006-2007 and ending by the 2009-2010 school year. This agreement shall be made a matter of records of the minutes of the meetings of the retrospective Boards of Trustees.

Beginning with the 2006-2007 school year the Board of Trustees of the Allen Independent School District agrees:

To accept as students in Allen ISD those scholastics in grades 10-12 for 2006-07, grades 11-12 in 2007-2008 and grade 12 in 2008-09. The transition process will be completed by the 2009-2010 school year.

The Board of Trustees of the Lovejoy Independent School District agrees:

To designate the Allen ISD as the receiving district for students in grades 10-12 for 2006-07, grades 11-12 in 2007-2008 and grade 12 in 2008-09.

Approval of this agreement is evidence in the minutes of the meeting of the Allen ISD Board of Trustees on the ______day of_________, 2003.


John Garcia, President Allen ISD Board of Trustees


Cindy Wilson, Secretary Allen ISD Board of Trustees

Approval of this agreement is evidence in the minutes of the meeting of the Lovejoy ISD Board of Trustees on the ______ day of_________, 2003.


Richard F. Hickman, President Lovejoy ISD Board of Trustees


Sue Hoffman, Secretary Lovejoy ISD Board of Trustees


The Allen ISD School Board decided to draw up an agreement summer 2003 after they became aware that Lovejoy parents were trying to convince the board to violate the transition agreement that was understood by both boards and communities at the time of the Consolidation Election (Feb 2003) and Bond Election (April 2003) that created Lovejoy secondary schools.

This flyer was sent home with the 6th grade children year 2002-2003 and was posted on the front door of Hart Elementary.
This class will graduate in 2009 in Allen ISD except for those that have returned to Lovejoy ISD.