
Graciously supplied by Casey Family Programs
504 Accomodation Checklist
If you have a child who does not
qualify for special education but has a mental or physical impairment
which substantially limits one or more major life activities, including
learning, that child may qualify for special help in a regular classroom
setting under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
The following is a list of areas
of concern and possible accommodations that may help your child succeed
in the classroom. The list can be used as a reference for parents and
school personnel.
Areas of concern:
- Sustaining attention to task & effort
- Getting started
- Impulsivity
- Hyperactivity
- Social skills
- Sensitive to criticism, irritable, moody
- Low self-esteem
- Organization & planning
- Study skills
- Memory
- Homework
- Oppositional
- Academic skills
Areas of accommodation:
Classroom environment and
- Classroom has predictable daily routines
- Schedule changes are discussed ahead of time
- Consistent and clear limits are set for classroom
- Work alternates short concentrated periods
with breaks
- Visual distractions in classroom are minimal
- Auditory distractions in classroom are minimal
- Small group instruction
- Team teaching
- Identify teaching-style/student match (e.g.
structured, nurturing, etc.)
- Seat in front of classroom
- Seat in quiet area
- Seat near teacher
- Seat near good role model
- Seat near 'study buddy'
- Increase distance between desks
- Reduce distractions on or near desk
- Seat away from distracting stimuli
- Seat in study carrel or use partitions
- Extra time to complete assigned work
- Shorten assignments/work periods
- Simplify complex directions
- Break long assignments into smaller parts
- Assist student in setting short term goals
- Pair written instructions with oral instructions
- Develop private signal from pupil to teacher
to request repetition of oral directions
- Repeat oral instructions
- Check homework daily
- Reduce amount of homework
- Limit homework to ________ minutes per night
- Limit home SSR, simultaneous reading, or
family reading to _____ minutes per night
- Permit assignments to be printed or typewritten
without penalty
- Permit writing assignments to be turned in
on audio-cassette
- Permit writing assignments to be given orally
- Permit extra credit assignments
- Permit re-submitted assignments
- Adapt assignment to minimize writing (e.g.
circle, cross out, write above line, etc.)
- Do not grade handwriting
- Do not grade spelling
Test Taking and Grading
- Provide written outline of main points prior
to test
- Allow open book exams
- Allow outline or notes during exams
- Give exam orally
- Give take-home tests
- Allow student to dictate answers on tape
- Give frequent short quizzes rather than long
- Allow extra time for exam
- Allow test to be taken untimed with specified
short breaks
- Read test item to student
- Provide student with following information:
- Grade performance relative to normal grade
level expectations (traditional grade)
- Grade for apparent effort
- Grade performance relative to own growth
and improvement (progress compared to own previous achievement)
- Avoid using child as negative example to
- Avoid questioning child's motivation or effort
- Encourage child to accept own mistakes
- Identify whether test will assess abilities
or disabilities
Home/School/Community Communication
- Parent/teacher conference frequency _______
- Teacher/student conference frequency _______
- Parent/student/teacher conference frequency
- Provide daily/weekly progress checklist
- Call parent if ______________________________
- Provide case manager/school social worker
to give lead in communicating within school, and between school,
home and community. This includes assistance in selection of teachers;
and teacher, aides, bus driver and administration orientation and
awareness regarding nature of disability and adaptation needs and
monitoring effectiveness of this adaptation plan.
- Monitor medication taking
- Assist physician in medication monitoring
- Consult with other professionals: __________________
once per __________
- Select seating and seat buddy on bus
- Provide adult supervision on bus
- Provide discrete reminder to student to obtain
- Take care not to humiliate student with respect
to medication (this is only addressed to situations where student
has had previous bad experience).
Aides and Technology
- Use Phonic Ear to maintain student attention
and for cueing
- Provide peer assistance/adult assistance
in note-taking
- Provide tape recorder and permit tape recording
of class
- Provide keyboarding skills training
- Provide computer with appropriate software
for written assignments (word processing software includes spelling-prompt
software, etc.)
- Provide computer for in-class note-taking
- Provide instructional software in subject
matter area: ________________ (semi-independent, self-paced, repetition,
variety, multi-sensory, non-judgmental feedback)
- Provide textbooks on audio tape (i.e. through
aural media catalogue)
- Provide opportunity to complete written assignments
on computer
- Provide extra set of textbooks which may
be marked
- Provide enlarged copy of reading assignments/written
- Provide tutor for specified period of time
and frequency
Learning style
Using or enhancing visual,
auditory, and kinesthetic learning and memory
- Provide auditory directions
- Provide auditory cues and clues
- Develop auditory mnemonics skills (e.g. set
memorization tasks to music)
- Do or do not use background music to enhance
learning (headphones or ambient)
- Provide visual directions, demonstrations
and representations
- Provide visual cues and clues
- Develop visual conceptualization skills
- Develop visual mnemonics skills
- Encourage (multi-colored) outlining/underlining
when reading
- Maintain visual contact while talking
- Use tactile and manipulative aides in teaching
- Provide simultaneous visual, auditory, and
kinesthetic experiences
- Provide lessons in sequential order
- Provide lessons with contextual clues
- Provide written outline of lesson or written
notes of lecture material
- Write main points of lesson on board
- Refer for academic testing in particular
- Accept alternatives to oral reports (written,
display, etc.)
- Utilize areas of strength to encourage expression
- Involve child in movement several times a
- Provide cognitive behavioral feedback: positive
feedback for attention to task (frequency based on what student
can currently do) short-term reinforcers (e.g. happy face, check
mark, star, in-class rewards) and long-term (e.g. accumulate points
for rewards at home)
- Plan academic instruction for student's peak
attention time (e.g., a.m.)
- Allow student to stand at times during seatwork
(especially during end of task)
- Require active responses in instruction (talking,
moving, organizing, working at board, interacting with computer)
- Provide opportunity for 'seat breaks' (structure
with errands, physical activity, etc.)
- Provide short break between assignments
- Give child substitute verbal or motor responses
to make while waiting
- Provide fidget object for manual activity
(e.g. koosh ball, clay, worry beads, etc.)
- Teacher to stand near student when giving
directions or presenting lessons
- Reward short periods of waiting
- Increase novelty
- Alternate high and low interest tasks
- Do not reinforce passive/withdrawn behavior
- Increase choice of tasks
- Place student first in line, or avoid lines
- Encourage sustained silent reading
- Teach previewing strategies
- Select key passages
- Provide visual breaks after each line of
the page
- Fold paper or cover paper so that only part
is visible
- Read with window
- Enlarge print of written material
- Use highlighting system to limit amount of
- Use highlighting system to focus reading
and studying
- Avoid oral reading
- Encourage oral reading
- Develop mnemonic strategies to address reversals
- Teach reading for meaning
- Teach phonetic decoding skills
- Use echo reading or simultaneous reading
approach to reading acquisition
- Teach visual discrimination skills to reading
- Teach auditory discrimination skills to reading
- Teach underlining strategies
Writing/Handwriting (see
also Aides & Technology)
- Accept alternatives to written reports (oral,
tape recorded, display, projects)
- Provide instruction in brainstorming and
- Provide specialized software for word processing
(e.g., enhanced spell checking, etc.)
- Do not require copying from board or book
(provide photocopied instructions or problems or refer to number)
- Reduce a mount of required copying from board
- Adapt assignments to require less writing
(e.g., provide photocopy, which may be enlarged, to circle, cross
out write above/below line, etc.)
- Forget cursive writing
- Use electronic spell checker (hand-held and/or
- Forget spelling
- Limit spelling list words
- Use simultaneous multisensory methods to
encourage spelling memorization
- Fill in missing letters in preprinted portion
of spelling word with omissions
- Circle correct version of word given several
- Unscramble pre-printed words and cross out
unnecessary letters in spelled word
- Permit use of calculator
- Provide graph paper to space numbers
- Model correct computational procedure
- Encourage self-talk
- Provide enlarged print problems and work
- Encourage turning lined paper sideways to
maintain column alignment
Organizational/Planning Skills
- Remind student to check over work product
- Give assignments one at a time
- Provide student with assignment book
- Check that homework assignments are written
in full detail
- Supervise student in writing full assignment
in book or provide written instructions
- Provide written checklist for getting organized
- Provide notebook with dividers and folders
for work
- Check desk/notebook for neatness: reward
- Provide extra set of books to keep at home
- Establish object placement routines
- Use color and physical/spatial organizers
- Teach organizational/study skills and allow
for application and generalization (from Landmark Study Skills Guide)
organizational skills:
organizing notebooks and materials, assignments, time, study space
recognizing and formulating
main ideas: categorizing main ideas, main ideas in paragraphs,
main ideas in multi-paragraph selections
note-taking: from written
sources two-column method, from lectures selective, skeleton notes
summarizing: two-column
notes, variety of materials, paraphrasing
textbook skills: identifying
and using parts of a textbook, previewing before reading, organizing
and learning information while reading, reviewing and expressing
information after reading
master notebook system:
organizing, studying, mastering
test-preparation and test-taking:
class review, identifying topics to be studied, determining what
kind of questions will be on the test, planning study time, forming
study groups, how to approach a test, essay questions, test anxiety
research and report writing:
applying study skills to research and report writing
- Structure of immediate and ongoing success
- Provide reassurances and encouragement vs.
correction and criticism at a rate of 4:1
- Provide reassurances and encouragement vs.
correction and criticism at a rate of 10:1
- Focus on student strengths, talents and accomplishments
- Mark students correct answers rather than
- Catch 'em being good: compliment positive
behavior and work
- Speak softly in non-threatening manner if
- Tolerate inconsistent performance
- Provide opportunities for student to display
responsibility and/or leadership role
- Provide opportunities for student to provide
assistance to others
- Make time to talk alone with student
- Encourage social interactions with classmates
if withdrawn
- Reinforce frequently or reduce workload when
signs of frustration are noticed
- Send positive notes home
- Provide positive role models with similar
disability as classroom or assembly speaker
Positive Behavioral Intervention
- Begin day or period with relaxation and guided
imagery exercise
- Provide behavioral feedback using written/symbol/quantitative
feedback every ______ minutes
- Provide instruction in self-monitoring (e.g.
hand-raising, using cueing)
- Cue students to stay on task (private signal)
- Ignore minor, inappropriate behavior
- Increase immediacy of rewards or consequences
- Give activity as a reward
- Use time-out procedure for misbehavior
- Permit time-in procedure for agitation and
motor release
- Supervise closely during transition times
- Provide praise for positive behavior
- Acknowledge good behavior of other students
- Establish behavior contract with three goals
- Call on only when hand is raised appropriately
- Ignore calling out without raising hand
- Praise student when hand is raised
- Implement behavior management system
- Implement home-school token system
- Prudent use of negative consequences
- Praise compliant behavior
- Post class rules in conspicuous place
- Provide immediate feedback with teacher attention
- Avoid lecturing or criticism
- Student's disability would/would not cause
him to violate school rules (if yes, fill out behavior modification
disciplinary plan - see Hughes Bill)
Socialization and Social
- Provide recess/lunch opportunity indoors
with friend (w/structured games, etc.)
- Provide lunch buddies
- Establish social behavior goals and reward
- Prompt appropriate social behavior verbally
or with private signal
- Avoid placing student in competitive activities
- Encourage cooperative learning tasks
- Praise student to increase esteem of others
- Assign special responsibilities to student
in presence of peers
- Provide small group social skill training
in the following areas:
- School-related skills/classroom survival
skills (Pre-school: asking a question, following directions,
trying when it's hard, interrupting. Elementary: listening, asking
for help, saying thank you, bringing materials to class, following
instructions, completing assignments, contributing to discussions,
offering help to an adult, asking a question, ignoring distractions,
making corrections, deciding on something to do, setting a goal.)
- Beginning social & friendship-making
skills (Pre-school: listening, using nice talk, using brave
talk, saying thank you, rewarding yourself, asking for help, asking
a favor, ignoring, greeting others, reading others, joining in,
waiting your turn, sharing, offering help, asking someone to play,
playing a game. Elementary: introducing yourself, beginning a
conversation, ending a conversation, joining in, playing a game,
asking a favor, offering help to a classmate, giving a compliment,
accepting a compliment, suggesting an activity, sharing, apologizing.
Adolescent: listening, starting a conversation, having a conversation,
asking a question, saying thank you, introducing yourself, introducing
other people, giving a compliment, asking for help, joining in,
giving instructions, following instructions, apologizing, convincing
- Dealing with feelings (Pre-school:
knowing your feelings, feeling left out, asking to talk, dealing
with fear, deciding how someone feels, showing affection. Elementary/Adolescent:
knowing your feelings, expressing your feelings, recognizing another's
feelings, showing understanding of another's feelings, expressing
concern for another, dealing with your anger, dealing with another's
anger, expressing affection, dealing with fear, rewarding yourself.)
- Alternatives to aggression (Pre-school:
dealing with teasing, dealing with feeling mad, deciding if it's
fair, solving a problem, accepting consequences. Elementary: using
self-control, asking permission, responding to teasing, avoiding
trouble, staying out of fights, problem solving, accepting consequences,
dealing with an accusation, negotiating. Adolescent: asking permission,
sharing something, helping others, negotiating, using self-control,
standing up for your rights, responding to teasing, avoiding trouble
with others, keeping out of fights.)
- Dealing with stress (Pre-school:
relaxing, dealing with mistakes, being honest, knowing when to
tell, dealing with losing, wanting to be first, saying no, accepting
no, deciding what to do. Elementary: dealing with boredom, deciding
what caused a problem, making a complaint, dealing with losing,
showing sportsmanship, dealing with being left out, dealing with
embarrassment, reacting to failure, accepting no, saying no, relaxing,
dealing with group pressure, dealing with wanting something that
isn't mine, making a decision, being honest. Adolescent: making
a complaint, answering a complaint, sportsmanship after the game,
dealing with embarrassment, dealing with being left out, standing
up for a friend, responding to persuasion, responding to failure,
dealing with contradictory messages, dealing with an accusation,
getting ready for a difficult conversation, dealing with group
- Planning skills: (Adolescents: deciding
on something to do, deciding what caused a problem, setting a
goal, deciding on your abilities, gathering information, arranging
problems by importance, making a decision, concentrating on a